The “Tawtheeq” initiative focuses exclusively on the recording of data relating to real estate and rentable units, such as housing, trade and industry units, as well as leases, in accordance with Abu Dhabi Executive Council Resolution No. 4/2011. A remarkable fact is that there is a difference between the cadastre registration (which is carried out via the property registration section) and the “Tawtheeq” project. The property registration department takes care of the land, its details and ownership, while the “Tawtheeq” section is related to the recording of building details such as the number of floors, the number of rentable housing units, the type of housing units, commercial outlets, etc. Our goal is to carry out our clients` transactions efficiently and accurately; The trial schedule is therefore determined according to the number of buildings to be registered, but does not exceed 30 working days. You can contact us at the phone number 80022220 or email Its largest project is a construction and property management contract with the Government of Abu Dhabi, which includes the management of 55 million square buildings and the construction of more than 750 buildings. Scammers can take advantage of the current situation, so please pay attention to suspicious topics, including messages about COVID-19 that are supposed to come from your bank. Remember that ADCB will never send you an email, SMS or call asking you to disclose confidential information, including your account/card number, PIN, unique password (OTP) or online/mobile banking username or password. Another tenant, Omar Mohammed, says he was asked to pay Dh1,000 for a bouncing check, when it was the mistake of an ADCP employee who wrote down the fake bank account number when signing a new lease.

Once the request is received by the property owner/ house management company, the municipality entrusts this order to one of the companies/organizations concerned. The fees required for this service depend on the size of the transaction and the number of properties owned by the owner/house management company. It is a form designed for opening an account for property owners/property management companies. In this form, users must fill in the details of the contact person, subscriptions and the number of properties managed, as well as the options for registering the real estate and existing contracts. I am very sorry to have to convey to the management of the ADCP my great disappointment at the ignorance of the maintenance team at my request. Question No. #921096. Since today, I have registered for more than seven days a complaint about water leaks in my apartment. So far, I have not received a call or anyone has come to correct the leak. The leak still occurs, if this line goes through an electrical short circuit and causalities can occur due to it, ADCP is solely responsible. I called the ADCP contact number several times, I always kept the line for more than 30 minutes and no response. I try to register my online portal and it shows that the information entered is correct.

Yes. The municipality offers access to the “Tawtheeq” website to check the status of the contract through the lease identifier number indicated by the municipality. Asteco terminated direct operational management of the ADCP portfolio in June 2009, with the agreement ending on August 31 of the same year. You can obtain “Tawtheeq” registration forms using the following options: 3.6 Is it necessary to provide the property owner with supporting documents when registering a property managed by the property management company? 3.8 Is it possible to register a lease if the property is not registered in the “Tawtheeq” system? No no. It must be a single certified representative or a legal depositary appointed by a court decision. . . .